1. What are some of the tools and techniques for performing time, cost, and qual

1. What are some of the tools and techniques for performing time, cost, and quality control? What are the Seven Basic Tools of Quality?
2. Why is it important to keep the risk register up to date?
Your APA formatted assignment comprising 2-4 double-spaced pages, typed in 12 points Times New Roman (or 11 points Calibri) citing 2-3 credible sources excluding the Cover and Reference pages
Some references:
Project Monitoring and Controlling: 16 Best practices for a Successful Project. Project Monitoring & Controlling | 16 Best Practices (masterofproject.com)
Project Monitoring and Controlling Tools Project Monitoring And Controlling Tools – Projectemplates
Tools for Monitoring and Controlling Projects in Jira Top Tools for Monitoring and Controlling Projects in Jira – Ricksoft, Inc. (ricksoft-inc.com)
Project Management Monitoring and Control Microsoft PowerPoint – Session_7_Project-Monitoring-and-Control.pptx (samuellearning.org)

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