1. Please reply with an answer to instructor’s initial 3 questions by 10:00 p.m.

1. Please reply with an answer to instructor’s initial 3 questions
by 10:00 p.m. on Thursday (4 days before the deadline.)
Each initial response should consist of at least 2-3 paragraphs expressing your ideas in the 150-230 word range.
2. Then respond critically to 2 (two) other students’ postings by 10:00 p.m. on Monday ( the deadline.)
Each answer to classmate’s post: at least 120 words.
Write in complete sentences which are correctly punctuated.
Please be courteous, respectful, and supportive of one another.
You don’t need to copy the question, only your response is required.
Please list the number of the question you are answering:
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
…………………………………………………………………………………., etc.
Do NOT submit your post as an attachment.
Please read your textbook and primary or secondary source documents in MODULES and discuss the following 3 questions:

1. 1. Can the negative impact of the Mongol conquest on subject peoples be balanced by its positive impact? Why or why not?
If placed side by side on the scale, which way does the scale tip? Please provide examples to defend your answers.

In your opinion, what personal accomplishments would Genghis Khan list on his résumé? Please provide examples.

3. 3. Do you think that Genghis Khan deserves to be a cultural historical hero in modern times? In your opinion, what defines American cultural heroes? Please provide examples to defend your answers.

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