1. Examine the following embryos. Use the staging table for that embryo to ID th

1. Examine the following embryos. Use the staging table for that embryo to ID the stage (and approximate time in ovo/utero). In your own words, describe a few characters defining that stage of development.
a. Bat
b. Alligator
c. Python
2. Pick 2 staging tables from the Resources section, and compare them. During which stages of the development do the organisms look most similar to one another?
3. Pick 2 staging tables from the Resources section, and compare them (it can be the same as what you used above, or a different pair). Pick a adult morphological trait that sets the two species apart. At what stage does the first visible indication of the divergence between species of this particular morphological trait first appear? At what stages do you think that gene expression differences underlying those morphological differences are first detectable?
4. Come up with a hypothesis for what might account for the morphological differences described in question 3. Reference cellular differences (differences in cell proliferation, cell death, cell identity etc) and/or molecular differences that may account for those differences in gross morphology.

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