Write an essay of what the European Commission is. Follow the following outline;
1. Introduction (150 words maximum)
a. What is the European Commission?
b. Its ‘supranational’ character (this is codified in Article 17 TEU for example).
2. History of the EU Commission’s composition (350 words maximum)
a. The European Steel and Coal Community – ECSC (which was established by the Treaty of Paris in 1951)
b. The Rome Treaties 1957 (which created two more communities alongside the ECSC: the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM).
c. Merger Treaty 1965 i.e., the Treaty of Brussels (what did this treaty do?)
d. Maastricht Treaty 1992- Amsterdam Treaty 1997 – Treaty of Nice 2001 (what did each of these treaties do for the European Commission’s composition/responsibilities etc.)
e. European constitution (failed)
Use OSCOLA referencing (footnote style) and include a bibliography at the end. Cite every treaty used/article, and include academic articles/journals to cite the rest of your information. Do not exceed one page for both part 1 and part 2 of the outline, please.
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