Write a short paper that should be organized to have and address the following i

Write a short paper that should be organized to have and address the following items and issues:
1- Give your paper an engaging and descriptive title—not simply “Writing Assignment.
2- In your introduction, try to introduce the sociolinguistic topic/issue that you have chosen by giving an overview of the topic, as well as explain why it is important, and then explain how you are going to organize your paper (assignment). In other words,your introduction should
end with an explanation of what you intend to discuss in your paper.
3- Synthesize briefly relevant literature about the chosen issue or topic. Use no less than three books/articles associated with the topic/issue you choose.
4- Explain what makes you interested in this subfield of sociolinguistics (issue) in particular.
5- Explain how it enhances your knowledge of the English language as a language learner and someone who is major is English. Please write about yourself, not about language learners in general.
6- Explain why English language learners should be aware of the issue of sociolinguistics that you are writing about.
7- Describe ways in which language learners can become aware of this sociolinguistics issue.
8- You should have a conclusion. In your conclusion you should restate your thesis, and summarize the main points you discussed throughout the paper, and offer your final impression on the central idea. The concluding paragraphs should be clear and sum up what you have presented in your research without sounding redundant.
9- References reference the cited books. Articles and other sources correctly using the APA referencing style.
Examples of references
In-text citation: McCarthy (2014) defines phonetics as a “branch of linguistics that focuses on the production and classification of the world’s speech sounds or the speech sounds of humans produce” (p.22).
Reference List:
Crystal, D. (1991). A Dictionary of Phonetics and Linguistics. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers.
Al-Seghayer, Khalid. (2019). Unique Challenges Saudi EFL Learners Face. Studies in English Language Teaching, 7 (4), 490-515.
Online article:
Lee, C. (2020, February 19). A tale of two reference formats. https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/two-reference-formats
The length of the assignment should be 5 pages or more.
The assignment must be typed, 1.5 or double‐spaced, in Times New Roman 12‐point font. Indent each paragraph; no extra spaces between paragraphs.
Your name, section number, and name of the assignment need to be at the top of the left corner. No need to have a cover page.
Papers ASSESSMENTS will be evaluated for content, coherence, clarity of expression, and mechanical correctness.
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