Within the virtual clinical experience, students will carry out systematic gathe

Within the virtual clinical experience, students will carry out systematic gathering of data using the traditional windshield survey technique to better understand a community and inform an overall community assessment. Students will then write a 2-page paper that identifies and discusses neighborhood strengths and neighborhood risks based on the data gathered.
Students should complete the virtual windshield survey that is available on thePoint.
Students should then create a 2-page-paper (approximately 500 words) that identifies and discusses 3 neighborhood strengths and 3 neighborhood risks.
The student should use the information gathered during his/her tour of downtown Promise Heights and include, for each strength and risk, the rationale that integrates leading content for this assignment.
you will log into:
My content> Rector & Stanley: Community and Public Health Nursing, Tenth Edition> Launch course> NUR 4636L Fall 2023 (4) 722886> Assignments> Virtual Experience Module 1: Windshield Survey: A Community Assessment Strategy> begin assignemnt> skip to virtual simulation> launch simulation
and that is how you will do the paper
the assignment is already done so you don’t have to do anything, just explore the town and then write paper
attached is where you should be
please text if you need help

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