Use this outline to guide your research of the following aspects of your company

Use this outline to guide your research of the following aspects of your company’s online operations. I recommend that you copy this outline into a document then add your findings for each point as you work through each chapter.
E-Commerce Research Paper Outline Format
Company selected and background (chapter 1)State the company name and web site URL of the company you are researching.
Determine and state the category of E-Commerce the business falls into
List some of the other companies that sell similar products / services online. (the competition)
SWOT Analysis – evaluate the business and the environment in which it operates. Refer to Figure 1-11 SWOT analysis questions in your text as a guide for your analysis. An example of Dell Computer’s SWOT analysis is provided in the text to give you an idea of how the SWOT analysis works. List your findings in the following order (creating a chart as in the text is not required):
i. Strengths
ii. Weakenesses
iii. Opportunities
iv. Threats
Revenue Model and Web presence (Chapter 3) What revenue model does the company use. Support this with a brief explanation of what you found on the site and about the business that supports the model you identified.
What do you find attractive, useful, and / or unique about the company’s web site?
Considering the total experience with the web site, what (if any) thing about the site would cause you to go back to it in the future instead of just selecting any competitor’s site that offers similar products / services?
Note anything you found with the web site that left you with a negative or less than positive impression / experience.
Marketing (Chapter 4)Describe the way the company markets their web site. Chapter four contains a number of marketing strategies, market segmentation methods, customer relations and advertising issues that are things that you should consider in your analysis of their web marketing.
How would potential customers learn of the site and get to it?
Is the web presence and extension of a “bricks and mortar” company or solely and online operation?
If and extension of an existing company, how does the site compare to the physical store experience?
What do you find that the company has done especially well?
Is there anything that you find poorly done or even done in a way that leaves you with a negative impression / experience?
Community (Chapter 6) – This may form a degree of bond with the company’s site that helps bring the customer back to the site. It seems more companies are working the area in recent years.Does the site have any features that support web community activities? If so, give examples of your findings.
Legal Issues (Chapter 7)Review the company policies – these may be in sections labeled “terms and conditions”, about the company, or something related. At least one site labeled this type of information as “legal stuff” and addressed it in a begrudging tone that suggested the merchant had to cover it but really didn’t like the fact that they had to do so.
How does the company address the legal issues discussed in chapter 7
i. Contract
ii. Warranty (and disclaimers)
iii. Returns, refunds, associated fees if charged
iv. Customer privacy
v. Communications with children
vi. Sales or Value Added Taxes
vii. Does the company state a forum selection clause that the contract will be enforced according to the laws a specified state? Which one?
Does the company accept orders from other nations? If so, do they specify which ones? If they do not specify, what problems could they encounter?
Payment options (chapter 11)What methods of payment does the company accept?
Do the options offer access to all customers? (payment card, checking, alternatives for customers that want other options)
Is there evidence the payment system meets industry standards for protecting customers financial and payment card information?
Overall rating of site and operations. (chapter 12 may be helpful for ideas on this section)Summarize your overall findings.
i. How well does the company’s site meet its customers’ needs?
ii. What does it do especially well?
iii. Where do you think it needs to improve
iv. How well does it do compared to other sites offering similar products / services?
Format: Your report should be written in a professional manner (correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, using this outline format. (a reader must be able to clearly identify your findings for all the points of the outline)
The assignment should be done using this format. So, plug your findings into each of these places above and however many pages that takes is how it should be. Only one sentence per answer, maybe two to three sentences IF NEEDED.

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