Use the documents below as sources to cite in the paper. The instructions are:

Use the documents below as sources to cite in the paper. The instructions are:
1. How do we resolve conflicts between cultural practices and human rights? Present an argument and a clear counter argument to discuss this question. Make sure to include back up from readings and/or videos that we have discussed this semester.
Ensure that each essay spans 3–4 pages, is double-spaced, and employs a 12-point Times New Roman typeface. Additionally, allocate an extra page for references.

Submit your essays via WebCampus for grading.

**Essay Preparation:**
Consider the following points as you craft your essay:

1. **Integration of Information:**
– Utilize information from multiple referenced sources.
– Organize and summarize the information.
– Conclude with insights that may be novel to you.

2. **Thesis Statement and Support:**
– Commence with a clear thesis statement or claim.
– Explain and justify your thesis throughout the essay.
– Support your ideas with rationale and evidence, avoiding mere personal opinions.

3. **Relevant Material and References: **
– Select pertinent material to illustrate your points.
– Provide specific references to class readings and/or videos.
– Optionally, include additional research from FDU library resources.
– Reference at least three course materials, avoiding Wikipedia or non-verifiable sources.
– Follow a standard citation format (APA or MLA).
4. **Cultural Awareness Reflection:**
– Engage in self-reflection on your cultural awareness concerning the essay’s topic, issue, or problem.

5. **Proofreading:**
– Thoroughly proofread your essay.
– Ensure proper grammar and syntax.

6. **Rubric Reference:**
– Consult the rubric listed below while writing your essay.

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