Topic: Human Trafficking Submit a four to-five-page research paper using MLA or

Topic: Human Trafficking
Submit a four to-five-page research paper using MLA or APA formatting to this site in a docx style essay so that I can comment on it. Be sure to have a clear thesis, a topic sentence for each paragraph, a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion paragraph. The Works Cited (MLA) or References (APA) page should be formatted in the correct style DOUBLE-SPACED with at least 4 sources. The sources should not ALL be videos, podcasts, and films). Please be sure that the essay has the following parts to it:
Introduction and thesis in the first paragraph
Opposing and qualifying ideas
Strong evidence in support of claim
Style and tone of language
A compelling conclusion
Be sure in-text citations match the sources on the Works Cited/References page. Be sure the sources are listed in alphabetical order by last name or title (if the sources does not have a name).

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