To complete this discussion, you need to find an article on 3D printing in Const

To complete this discussion, you need to find an article on 3D printing in Construction. Discuss the implications of this advancement as outlined in the article you chose. You are not allowed to use the same article as a classmate – and it is based on who posts to the board first. Be sure to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your post needs to discuss implications of adopting this in construction both (positive) and/or negative. Support your conclusion with references to the article you selected.
In your write-up, include the following things:
A working link to the article
A summary of the article
An analysis of the impact on any victims, real or potential, including the organization, individuals, and/or society
Additionally, you should also comment on two classmates’
postings with value-added commentary.
For the discussion entry, you can earn up to 15 points.
The two comments will earn you up to 10 points total.
First classmate to respond to:3D printing in construction: what are the benefits? – PlanRadar
This article discusses the benefits of using 3D printing in construction. It explains that 3D printing in construction can take form in two ways. One, a 3D printer actively building projects on-site, or two, printers in a factory that create components to be used when building a project. Three examples of successful use of 3D printing in construction include the Dubai municipality office building in UAE, the Office of the Future in UAE, and the 3D printed houses by WinSun in China. The construction firms created using 3D printing contribute to several benefits in society such as zero waste construction, time and cost reduction, and it supports unusual designs that would be much harder to build otherwise. The downsides listed include the costs of R&D, customers favoring the older structures, and dealing with the difficulties of integration with other components. This article shows there are positives and negatives associated with 3D printing in construction, as there is with every new technology advancement. So, I can see how 3D printing will increase in the future of construction, but I don’t think we will ever completely get rid of our original processes of building.
Second classmate:
This article talks about the growth, benefits, and challenges for 3D printing in construction. It explains how 3D printing is now capable of printing building walls and processing cement, the technology could help reshape construction as we know it. Though 3D printing concrete shows great potential, it’s worth noting that the overall technology when it comes to the concrete material is still relative in its infancy. which one of the reasons 3D printing has had a beneficial impact on society. 3D printing in construction offers a significant potential to increase efficiency in the building sector.3D printing has already shown that it can build a home or building from the ground up in a matter of days. That’s a significantly faster timeframe than conventional construction. 3D printing also provides waste reduction, design freedom and reduce human error. All which would make 3D printing beneficial in construction.

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