This is an individual assignment.
I expect you to prepare your Report (approximately 5-6 pages), in which you formulate your recommendations for the Company concerning long term and short term strategy.
Please, do not confuse an Essay (which you know how to write) and a Report of a “Business Consultant” (which many of you do not have the experience to prepare).
Let me clarify my point in two respects:
1) In your report, you cannot formulate your recommendations using arguments like “I think so”, which is OK for an essay; instead, you should demonstrate on what basis you formulate your conclusions/recommendations.
2) As a rule, the format of your essay depends on you, whereas a Report has a strict formal structure.
In our case, your Report consists of at nine Chapters (Sections), including Executive Summary, Industry Dynamics, Situation Analysis, and others (see the Grading Rubrics on Canvas).
One more idea: you do not need to increase artificially the number of pages by inflating your text with unnecessary ideas or by increasing the size of fonts or spacing. Look at the Grading Rubrics. You cannot find information there that increasing the number of pages can be useful for receiving a higher grade. Just follow the Grading Rubrics!
My last advice: your Report must be readable and attractive.
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