This is a group project and You are only will do the bolded part below. ➢ Discu

This is a group project and You are only will do the bolded part below.
➢ Discussion of Financial performance of the past 3-5 years with comparative charts
➢ CASM, RASM, profit per mile and any relevant cargo profitability data within the last several
➢ Discussion of Load factors of the past 3-5 years with comparative charts
➢ Discussion of Total passenger and cargo flown 3-5 years with comparative charts
➢ Distribution channels (Supply-chain channels)
➢ Discussion of total employees and any pertinent union issues
➢ Discussion of recent mergers and acquisitions discussed in detail
➢ Subsidiaries and affiliated companies of the airline
➢ Any other pertinent information that will aid further in profiling the company
the company is Sengapore Airlins
I need the workto be done with high quality.
here are all the instructions just to take a look at it:
the first part shouldincludethe following informationin aNARRATIVEform withinAPASeventheditionstyle
guidelines, note that each item below does not have to be a separate heading on its own:
PART 1: This section will include following information within relevant and appropriate
headings/titles per APA Seventh edition style
➢ Short history about the company background
➢ Very brief discussion about top management with the inclusion Chief Executive Officer’s name
➢ Discussion of the business plan of the airline (network, low cost, regional or hybrid)
➢ Discussion of hubs, semi-hubs and focus cities
➢ Discussion of the fleet mix, fleet breakdown, average fleet age, fleet size and future fleet plans
(Fleet breakdown and/or listing should be placed in the Appendix)
➢ Passenger and cargo network (the network maps should be placed in the Appendix) with
discussion of strong, moderate strength and weak regions of operations
➢ Discussion of type of product (s)/service(s) provided
➢ Competitor analysis, i.e. regional, national, and global competition threats
➢ Discussion of Alliances and affiliated partners
➢ Discussion of Financial performance of the past 3-5 years with comparative charts
➢ CASM, RASM, profit per mile and any relevant cargo profitability data within the last several
➢ Discussion of Load factors of the past 3-5 years with comparative charts
➢ Discussion of Total passenger and cargo flown 3-5 years with comparative charts
➢ Distribution channels (Supply-chain channels)
➢ Discussion of total employees and any pertinent union issues
➢ Discussion of recent mergers and acquisitions discussed in detail
➢ Subsidiaries and affiliated companies of the airline
➢ Any other pertinent information that will aid further in profiling the company
Part 2
Second part should include a SWOT analysis about the company. SWOT is an abbreviation for “strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats. It is an extremely useful marketing tool that has been in use for the last 3
decades in corporations for understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations and organizations. A
SWOT analysis is a subjective assessment of data which is organized by the SWOT format into a logical order that
helps understanding, presentation, discussion and decision-making. The four dimensions are a useful extension of a
basic two heading list of pro’s and con’s. It came from the research conducted at Stanford Research Institute from
1960-1970. The SWOT issues can be translated into six categories which can establish the framework.
1. Product (what are we selling?)
2. Process (how are we selling?)
3. Customer (to whom are we selling?)
4. Distribution (How does it reach them?)
5. Finance (what are the prices, costs and investments?)
6. Administration (and how do we manage all this?)
Sample SWOT Analysis for a Company – Southwest Airlines, by Dr. Anthony Chelte
Southwest in holding to their mission was able to gain loyal customers by offering low cost airfares. The founders
held to beliefs that were outside of the competition, by resisting the temptation to expand rapidly, in both
personnel and markets. Avoiding the transcontinental and international markets allowed Southwest to
concentrate on steady growth. The management identifying that they were in a price sensitive market chose to cut
out the “frills” in airline travel, reducing costs and thus making it financially feasible to offer the lower cost to
consumers. Southwest Airlines concentrated on internal strengths and efficiencies, such as rapid turnaround time,
reusable boarding passes, and single style aircraft, to reduce overhead. Remaining a lean company allowed
Southwest the ability to react to and seize opportunities. In fact, it has been noted that Southwest Airlines
welcomes competition against their strategy believing that competition only makes them stronger. Throughout
their growth, Southwest maintained a loyalty to their employees, fostering a team spirit. In maintaining a
consistent management, Southwest was able to continue its corporate culture and vision. Creativity in marketing
and negotiation in the face of an obstacle has been proven in the history of the company.
Southwest Airlines has expanded its business to a point in which it must start to enter more markets where the
larger carriers operate. Currently the lack of expansion into transcontinental markets and international markets
does not allow them to compete with their competition. To compete in international markets Southwest will need
to purchase a variety of airplanes. As the company grows, it will become less able to react to threats of new entries
into their market such as America West. Relying on a single type of aircraft and manufacturer, Southwest is
susceptible to increases in cost or defects in their planes.
The financial health of the company suggests that investors would back growth into new ventures. Currently the
lack of international and transcontinental markets are untapped by Southwest Airlines. The culture promoted and
the established management will attract new experienced employees in growth. The desire from new markets, for
their service, would suggest that entry into these markets would be welcomed. As other carriers focus on
international markets, Southwest has the ability to enter the markets the larger companies have diverted their
focus from. In a time of public consciousness about the workplace environment, Southwest Airlines can promote
its recognized culture.
There is risk in growing larger. By entering new markets Southwest Airlines will confront the larger carriers in their
market. While expanding the percentage of overhead cost could grow, opening the market they created to smaller
carriers. America West is currently smaller in volume and aircraft in the markets in which Southwest calls home. By
expanding into international markets, there will be new focus on international exchange and regulations. With
international flights there may not be the ability to locate at no major airports and the culture may be different
where foreign customers would expect the frills offered by other carriers. Air travel depends on economic factors
such as government regulation and the United States economy. If the economy were to be less prosperous, all
airlines would reduce costs, in an effort to attract more customers, making the low cost differentiation of
Southwest Airlines less noticeable. One of the major costs in operating aircraft is the fuel. If there was to be an
increase in OPEC pricing, this affects the industry as a whole.
This paper and presentation is 15 % of your grade and will be due on the written date which is on your course
Paper Requirements:
 This paper is required to have minimum of 19 maximum 24 pages (including cover, table of contents and
reference pages but excluding the Appendix. Most of your charts should be placed in the Appendix as discussed
per Part 1 above).
 Include a Table of Contents. No abstract and running head required.
 Cover Page
 Setup the page with 1-inch margins all around.
 Font: Times New Roman
 Font Size: 11
 Double space
 Appropriate Headings all will be bold and/or italicized per APA
 Page Number in the Footer.
 Use “Justify” for all text.
 Reference page or pages
 Appendix. All tables, charts, and graphs should be placed in appendix.
 Minimum 12 references excluding Wikipedia. Note that Wikipedia is not a credible source at University level.
References should be scholarly journals/articles and respected & credible aviation publications. Note that
different sections/pages of an airline website is considered one reference/source not multiple
Use APA 7th edition Publications Manual style and follow the guidelines above, your grade will be
affected significantly if you do not follow APA 7th edition.
Please spend time learning about APA format. Feel free to refer to the following sources as well as the
APA style format paper posted for you:

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