This assignment will test your knowledge of key concepts and will form 25% of th

This assignment will test your knowledge of key concepts and will form 25% of the assessment. Your submission should be between 275 and 300 words in total.
Your assignment should only have a small number of references, as this is not a full-scale essay.
Choose any one from the following list of concepts, and for each of them set out what you understand by the concept and summarise briefly what its significance is to debates about the relationship between globalization and nation-states. (The names in brackets are those authors most commonly associated with the concepts).
This is not an essay assignment, so your answer should be in three parts. I would expect only a very small number of references (2 or 3 for each concept).
Key Concepts:
‘race to the bottom’ (Brandeis)
‘golden straitjacket’ (Friedman)
‘Economic sovereignty’ (Quiggin)*
‘Sovereignty at bay’ (Vernon)

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