This assignment evaluates your ability to (1) build an informed and sophisticate

This assignment evaluates your ability to (1) build an informed and sophisticated argument around texts assigned in the course; (2) locate, interpret, and analyze relevant textual evidence; and (3) track how differently situated authors have approached scientific and/or philosophical problems. Whereas the excursus required you to paraphrase the ideas of one author, the first essay asks you to assess critically the convergence and divergence between the views of two authors.
Your task is to write an essay that makes an original argument by advancing a series of related and substantiated claims in response to one of two prompts:
How do Haraway and Darwin differently elaborate theories of biological change?
How do Hobbes and Cronon differently present nature as a construction?
The essay must range between 1,500 and 1,800 words, divided into coherent paragraphs. Any submission below the lower limit or above the upper limit will not be graded. You are welcome, but not obligated, to consult peer-reviewed scholarship beyond your primary source; you must, however, cite any source you consult. The essay ought to follow the formatting and citation guidelines indicated in the syllabus.

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