The Power Of Playing In Children’s Development: For this assignment, please obse

The Power Of Playing In Children’s Development:
For this assignment, please observe children or adolescents playing. choose a video from YouTube that shows children or adolescents playing, and paste the link below:
Then, reflect on the following questions and write a thoughtful response, approximately one paragraph for each question.
******* here are the questions :
1- Describe the children or adolescents you observed (in real life or in a YouTube video). Include information about their ages, gender, and the location in which they were playing.
2. Describe the game(s) or imaginary situation that they were playing out. Describe any “characters” or “roles” that the children or adolescents played. Also describe any “rules” for the games or imaginary situations that the children were playing.
3- What type of communication was used while they were playing? Describe any non-verbal or verbal communication that was used. For instance, how much language did the children and adolescents use, and what did they talk about?
4- What type of emotions were shown by the children or adolescents playing? What might the participants have been learning while playing, or what skills might they be developing as they play?

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