The Interest Profiler and Work Importance ProfilerAssessment is a tool that will

The Interest Profiler and Work Importance ProfilerAssessment is a tool that will help you define the kinds of work you are interested in performing. You will be required to complete the assessment, and interpret your results before answering six questions about your experience.
Answer the following six questions using complete sentences.
1) What are your top three Career interest areas or Job Families (Architecture and Engineering, Community and Social Services , Computer and Mathematical, Healthcare Practitioner and Technical, Business and Financial, Education, Training, and Library, Management, etc.)?
2) Based on column B, what are the five occupations you chose for each of your top three interest areas or Career Clusters? You should list a total of 15 occupations.
3) What three careers stood out to you after exploring your career interests?
4.) What are your top two workplace values?
5) What are the college majors you would chose for each of your top three Career interest/values areas or Job family?
6) In what ways, do you agree or disagree with your assessment results?
7) What careers and majors from this assessment will you actually consider pursuing or further researching

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