that is the feedback from my professor: The grade remains the same. Please, redo

that is the feedback from my professor:
The grade remains the same. Please, redo this all….again.
You are trying to be too fancy. Your overarching aim is not to institutionalize the Transtheoretical Stages of Change Theory, complemented by RR and MI, targeting patients resistant to AUD treatment.
Go back to the DNP Preliminary Project Plan Proposal.
Here are some tips:
The purpose and focus of your manuscriipt is this: It is a report of a quality improvement project with an overarching aim that is the same as your overarching aim the DNP Preliminary Project Plan Proposal.
You are selecting the journal mainly because they will publish a report of a quality improvement project. However, you should consider, also, the other information from the Journal Exploration Assignment. Such as
You will likely want to select a journal that is a nursing journal that is focused on evidence-based practice, a nursing journal that is focused on mental health, or a more general nursing journal.
You need to locate a journal that will publish reports of quality improvement projects.
A journal that you may use is Creative Nursing
You need to select a report of a quality improvement project as your exemplar article. Then, you will explain that it is like your article because it is a report of a quality improvement project. (You selected a randomized controlled trial. That is not at all like the article that you will write.)
Your outline should follow the basics of the DNP Preliminary Project Plan Proposal…with added information.
Introduction of the Problem
Review of the Literature
a. Background of Project Need
b. Instruments
c. Intervention
a. Descriiption of Participants
1. Inclusion criteria
2. Exclusion criteria
b. Overarching Aim
1. Objective 1
2. Objective 2
3. Objective 3
Your manuscriipt will be a report of your project.
Revise and resubmit.

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