Task 1 Answer the following questions: Q1. What are the different ways availabl

Task 1
Answer the following questions:
Q1. What are
the different ways available for the corporations to distribute income
among the shareholders? Suppose a firm promises to pay dividends of
$200,000 every year in perpetuity with 200,000 shares outstanding.
Assume a discount rate of 11.1%. What is the present value of one of the
firm’s shares? (2 marks)
Q2. What is Stock repurchase? Explain the four ways to implement stock repurchase.
(3 marks)
Calculate the rate at which a firm can grow without changing its
leverage if its payout ratio is 30%; equity outstanding at the beginning
of the year is $9,500,000; and its net income for the year is
$2,000,000. (2 marks)
Q4. What do you mean by Long term financial
planning? Take an example and explain the sales percentage model of
financial planning. (3 marks)
not less than 700 words
Task 2
Case study
Please read Case 3: “Economic Development in Bangladesh” available in your e-book (International business: Competing in the global marketplace (13th ed.), at page no.629, and answer the following questions:

Case study Question(s):
1.What were the principal reasons for the economic stagnation of Bangladesh after its war for independence? Discuss. (Minimum words: 400, marks: 2)
how the liberalization program in the 1990s enabled Bangladesh to start
climbing the ladder of economic progress. What are the main lessons
here that can be applied to economic development in other nations? (Minimum words: 500, marks: 4)
is dependent for its prosperity upon agriculture and textile exports.
What are the risks here? How might Bangladesh diversify its industrial
and commercial base? (Minimum words: 500, marks: 4)
Important Notes:
This is an individual assignment.
references must be cited using APA format. This includes both in-text
citations and the reference list at the end of the document.
Similarity and Plagiarism Check: Your work must be original. All papers
will be submitted through SafeAssign software to check for similarity
and plagiarism. Any instance of academic dishonesty will result in a
grade of zero for the assignment. No exceptions and no second chances!




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