Read through the paper, and in an MLA-formatted 300-word document posted in the

Read through the paper, and in an MLA-formatted 300-word document posted in the forum, answer the following questions: In what ways was the paper persuasive? In what ways does the writer use ethos, logos, and pathos? In what ways could the paper be better organized? In what ways could the paper better adhere to MLA format? In what ways could the spelling, grammar, and mechanics of the paper be better? Was the paper effective in discussing the topic? Did it identify a problem and present an appropriate solution? Write this paper in paragraph form. I do not want bullet points. Please use third person (he/him, she/her, they/them, it/its, etc.) on this paper, not first person (I/me, we/us) or second person (you/your). Refer to your student either by their full name or their last name. Do not refer to him by their name. This assignment does not require a works cited or in-text citations. When you save your document, save it at as FirstName_LastName_AssignmentName. For example, I would submit it as Brandon_Greer_Peer Review. Upload this assignment as a pdf only.

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