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You must submit this assignment here on Canvas. Emailed submissions will NOT be accepted for credit. If you have a problem submitting this assignment, you should contact Eric at least 24 hours before the due date.
This assignment must be completed in your own words. Work that has been copy-pasted from another source, including work you have previously submitted for another class, will be considered plagiarism and will receive a ZERO. Please review the section on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism in the Syllabus.
See the rubric (below) so that you know how you will be graded for this assignment.
Per the Make-up Work & Late Work Policy in the Syllabus, this assignment cannot be submitted or accepted for credit after the posted due date.
What are R & A Assignments?
Reflection & Application (R&A) assignments are short written assignments designed to give you the opportunity to reflect on and/or apply specific reading and study strategies covered in the course. R&A Assignments are 20% of your grade in this class. There are four R&A assignments this semester.
SQ3R, Effective Reading & Study Strategies (Reading Assignment #4), How to Read a College Textbook (Reading Assignment #5), and Pre-Reading Strategies: Video + Activity introduced several strategies that you can use when reading textbooks and other materials for college classes.
For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned to preview, skim, and scan a college textbook chapter before you read it closely. You will need to use the OpenStax textbook Introduction to Anthropology to complete this assignment. You can access the Introduction to Anthropology textbook in the Week 6 Module.
You will need to submit your answers to the 10 questions below for this assignment. The first question is about pre-reading strategies. All other questions are about Chapter 1: What is Anthropology? in the Introduction to Anthropologytextbook. Short answers (=incomplete sentences) are acceptable unless a question specifically asks you to write a complete sentence. Number all your answers (1., 2., 3., etc.) when you submit them in the text entry box. Answers that are not numbered will not receive credit.
The first question is about pre-reading strategies. All other questions are about Chapter 1: What is Anthropology? in the Introduction to Anthropology textbook
In 1-2 complete sentences, briefly describe the purpose of each of the three main pre-reading strategies (i.e., previewing, skimming, and scanning) that you can use before reading a textbook chapter closely.
This textbook does not include chapter objectives at the beginning of the chapter. However, the Introduction for Chapter 1 provides useful information about the topics and key points covered in the chapter. What is the information included in the Introduction for Chapter 1?
How many sections are there in Chapter 1? Write the name of each section.
Before you skim Chapter 1, which part(s) of the chapter can you look at first to get a sense of the topics and key points covered in the chapter? Hint: Look at the Table of Contents for Chapter 1.
Chapter 1 does not include chapter objectives, but it does include learning outcomes for each section within the chapter. What are the learning outcomes for Section 1.1: The Study of Humanity, or “Anthropology is Vast” in Chapter 1?
Write the first sentence of the paragraph you would skim first when skimming Section 1.1: The Study of Humanity, or “Anthropology is Vast” in Chapter 1?
What are the five subheadings in Section 1.2 The Four-Field Approach: Four Approaches Within the Guiding Narrative in Chapter 1?
Are there any words in boldface in Section 1.3: Overcoming Ethnocentrism in Chapter 1? What are they?
Are there are any tables, charts, or figures in Section 1.4: Western Bias in Our Assumptions about Humanity in Chapter 1? If so, describe them in 1 or 2 complete sentences.
When reading a PDF of a textbook or when reading a textbook online, it is possible to use “find” or “search” to quickly locate the meaning of a specific term in the textbook. In this textbook, both in the PDF and online versions, there is also a place in each chapter where you can find the meanings of key terms in boldface in the chapter. What is the name of this part of the chapter? Scan this part of Chapter 1 for the meaning of the term linguistic anthropology. Write the meaning of linguistic anthropology from that part of Chapter 1 here.

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