Read relevant academic research articles (on your HR topic of choice – Recruitme

Read relevant academic research articles (on your HR topic of choice – Recruitment & Selection; Employee Motivation/Engagement; Employee Retention; Labour Relations; Benefits & Services; Employee Evaluation (Performance Reviews); Occupational Health & Safety; Employee Discipline; Volunteerism; Human Resources in Not-for-Profit Organizations; or Workplace Stress/Resilience) and
select what you think are the best 5 articles, ideally providing some differing viewpoints
on the topic of interest. Prepare a research paper as follows
Step 1 Introduce the topic of the research.
Prepare a 1 page summary of each article to highlight the key points and
✔use an APA format ( to list articles
Step 2 Identify how the articles relate (or don’t relate) to each other, as well as how
they relate to the text for this course
Step 3 Conclude the paper by writing a personal reflection on this assignment:
• What was interesting for you?
• What might be areas for further reading or research you could explore?
• End the research paper with a conclusion of your findings

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