Purpose The ELVIS Meltdown case study is developed to practice a simulation stud

The ELVIS Meltdown case study is developed to practice a simulation study of microbiology concepts of culture, growth, and metabolism. This assignment contains a series of questions that you need to solve to identify unknown microorganisms.
Knowledge Check
To complete this assignment, please review the following concepts in the lecture textbook.
Ubiquity of microorganisms
Primary Isolation
Light Microscopy
Gram Staining
Structure of microbial cells
Active transport of nutrient
Cellular metabolism – fermentation, respiration, TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation
Control of microbial growth
Each section includes reading pieces and pictures associated with problems. Please read carefully and provide your answers in the ELVIS ANSWER SHEET. Use a different colored font available in your word processing software
* You may discuss with your classmates, but each student should try to work independently. Copying and pasting the same answers is not allowed. Turnitin app will check plagiarism during the grading process.
This assignment worth 25 points

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