Post your two (2) questions and respond to two (2) other students. Make sure you

Post your two (2) questions and respond to two (2) other students. Make sure you cite the source your questions are from.
I will give you two other examples or peers of other posts from the discussion board, I want you to write responses to their post. The responses do not need to be long at all, neither does the post. Write the same amount of words or information that the other peers did.
2 Questions/@ Take-A-Ways Chapter 9
Q1: In educational research, relationship studies serve several purposes. What are they and why are they important in educational research? Pg. 229
Q2: What is the major difference between the data collection procedures for a prediction study and a relationship study? Why is the difference important in educational research? Pg. 233
Take-A-Way 1:
The Pearson r is the measure of correlation that is most appropriate when expressing ratio or interval data.
The Pearson r, a measure of correlation that is applicable when both variables to be correlated are expressed as continuous (i.e., ratio or interval) data. This makes sense because most scores from instruments used in educational research, such as achievement measures and personality measures, are classified as interval data. The Pearson r is not the ideal measurement technique to use in experiments with sample sizes < 30, but it is less time consuming than other measurement exercises and is therefore more widely used when appropriate. Take-A-Way 2: Much thought and intent should go into how variables are to be correlated. According to our text, variables to be correlated should be selected on the basis of some rationale or some measurable experience. That is, the relation to be investigated should be a logical one, suggested by theory or derived from experience. Teachers who use their classrooms as laboratories would have direct knowledge of what may or may not work in their classrooms. Having a hypothetical or experiential basis for selecting variables to be correlated justifies the study and makes the interpretation of the results and the project more meaningful. References: Mills, G.E., & Gay, L.R., (2019). Educational Research (12th ed). Pearson. Peer # 2: Key Takeaways: Correlation Does Not Imply Causation: One of the central themes that resonated with me was the reminder that correlation does not imply causation. In educational research, this is particularly important to keep in mind. Mills and Gay (2019) emphasized that "simply because two variables are correlated, it doesn't mean that one variable causes the other" (Mills and Gay, 2019). How can we ensure that we communicate this principle effectively when conducting and presenting correlational research? Use of Correlation Coefficients: Mills and Gay (2019) provided a comprehensive explanation of various correlation coefficients, such as Pearson's r and Spearman's rho. I found this section valuable for understanding the strength and direction of relationships between variables. Are there real-world examples or studies that you can think of where the choice of a specific correlation coefficient significantly impacted the findings? Questions: Ethical Considerations in Correlational Research: As we engage in correlational research, what ethical considerations should we keep in mind, especially when studying educational settings? Mills and Gay (2019) mentioned the importance of protecting participants' rights and confidentiality, but are there other ethical nuances specific to this type of research? The Role of Control Variables: The book highlights the importance of control variables in correlational research to reduce confounding factors. Could you share examples from your experiences or suggest strategies for identifying and incorporating relevant control variables in an educational research study? I look forward to hearing your thoughts and insights on these key takeaways and questions. Reference: Mills, G.E., & Gay, L.R. (2019). Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (12th ed.). Pearson.

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