Part1: Article Search: Culture and Personality Development Find an article relat

Part1: Article Search: Culture and Personality Development
Find an article related to culture and personality development. Discuss this article and share your thoughts on how the findings in this article support, expand upon or contradict at least one theory of personality that has been presented in this course
Part2: Your Choice: Horney, Fromm, or Erickson
In order to allow us to cover more information, choose a chapter from Theories of Personality. For this discussion, you will summarize the relevant information from the chapter you read and post this in the Horney, Fromm, or Erickson discussion area. Remember, your fellow learners may not have read the same chapter that you did, so it is essential that you provide them with a quality summary of your chosen chapter, so they are able to learn the essential details of the chosen topic. Enjoy the opportunity to teach your peers about these important personality theorists.
Summarize either Horney, Fromm, or Erickson by highlighting one or two concepts and applying them to your area of specialization or interest.

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