Listen to the lecture HERE post over

Listen to the lecture HERE

post over the following prompt.
What do you think the roach represents in the story and why do you think that Kafka chose that particularly revolting creature as opposed to something like a dog or a panda?
By Thurs. the 26th post a 750 word discussion addressing the questions above.
Teacher’s Note: One of the best aspects of “The Metamorphosis” is the sheer craziness of it. The absurd humor interlaced with a cripplingly depressing fall of a family. This gives the reader a blank canvas for analyzing. How does this story initially strike you? There are some heavy philosophical ideas at work here. Do any stand out at you? Try to have some fun with this one. We are coming off the back of a four-week journey through Hell and all its torments, so I figure we could lighten it up a bit with a man transformed into a roach.

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