In this assignment you will use The Wax Vac Advertisement and write a paper (dou

In this assignment you will use The Wax Vac Advertisement and write a paper (double-spaced in paragraph form) that analyzes the seven (plus 1) principles of influence used (Unity, Reciprocity, Commitment & Consistency, Liking, Authority/Expertise, Scarcity, Social Validation/Social Proof PLUS CONTRAST EFFECT). The advertisement will be available via the link below. Write a complete analysis of the ad and the principles used in it (i.e., write about all of the principles you see in the ad, not just one). Don’t write about all of the principles; just the ones you see in the ad. For the ad, the analysis should clearly address all of the following:

1. Which specific tactics are being used? Make sure to thoroughly explain the tactic itself in general such that someone who has not taken SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY class would fully understand it. (Tactics/Techniques EXAMPLES include: Foot-in-the-door, Low-Ball, Bait-and-Switch, Free gifts, Gifts vs. Rewards, Door-in-the-Face, That’s-not-all, Laugh Tracks, Doctor endorsements, “smuggling authority”, Inserting professional titles, deadline technique, limited number technique, Paradox of Scarcity, Flattery, Mimicry)
2. How are the tactics put to use in the ad and how do they work (that is, demonstrate understanding of why these are instances of the tactics chosen and understanding of tactics themselves.)?
3. Which category of the seven principles of influence (or the extra “principle”: contrast) does the tactic fall under? Additionally, explain the principle itself. (Principles: Unity, Reciprocity, Commitment&Consistency, Liking, Authority/Expertise, Scarcity, Social Validation/Social Proof) (The +1 is CONTRAST EFFECT)
4. how effective is the ad is in its use of the tactic and why? For instance, did they use the tactic correctly or incorrectly? Did they include anything that amplifies or undermines the effectiveness of the tactic?
5. Using the guidelines described in class and based off of ethical advertising guidelines, is the use of this tactic ethical? Why or why not?
6. Considering your answers to 1-5, how effective do you think the ad is overall?

Things to keep in mind:
• A “tactic” is a specific way of using an influence principle, but when I say “tactics”, I don’t only mean the ones with unique names like “Bait and Switch” or “Door in the Face”. Making someone’s past commitment salient to get him/her to behave consistently in the present is using the commitment/consistency principle just as much as Foot in the Door.
• Some tactics in the ads may use more than one principle. This is okay as long as this is addressed in the paper.
Wax Vac:

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