In search of cure for breast cancer By Jolanta Skalska Part A answer

In search of cure for breast cancer
By Jolanta Skalska
Part A answer the 3 C’s about the topic you just read: content, concerns or questions, connection
Part B
Part 1 answer question 1 or 2
Q1:what is hormone? Where in the human body are progesterone and estrogen produced? What what are the effects of these hormones on the mammary tissue? Why do you think estrogen can increase the risk of breast cancer.
Q:2 Based on their structure, how are progesterone and estrogen classified? Which type of a receptor do they interact with? What is the consequences of this interaction?
Part 2 answer question 4 or 5
Q4: what are some possible mechanisms that could be used to target breast cancer with ER+ phenotype?
Q5: Tamoxifen is used in treatment of ER+ breast cancer as a competitive inhibitor for estrogen receptors. What is competitive inhibition?
Part 3 look over the data and images in part 3 and 4
Part 4
Answer the short essay question at the bottom of page 8
I sent the picture of the short essay

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