In each of these cases, you had to think carefully about the situation, gather the most important information around a central idea you wanted to share, and then think about how your specific audience would need to have that information presented to them. Sometimes, you need to communicate to multiple audiences, and each audience needs to have that letter or report presented in a new way just for them. In this project, we are pulling together all the skills you’ve learned in this course to help you show that you understand how to do a close, critical reading and analyze what is being communicated and to whom. You will also show that you can assemble an analysis that shares that central idea and how it works, and you can communicate that analysis with specific audiences, customizing it for the audience who needs it. As you can see, this assignment prepares you for a range of writing projects and tasks in other courses and in your personal life, career, and workplace. We hope you enjoy completing it.
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