In an essay of 350-500 words, compare Franklin Roosevelt’s “Fear Itself” speech

In an essay of 350-500 words, compare Franklin Roosevelt’s “Fear Itself” speech with the 1936 Republican Party Platform, which was against Roosevelt’s New Deal.
Essay Format
Follow this outline for creating your response:
Topic 1 – Describe the “Fear Itself” speech. Think about these questions as you write this paragraph:What did Roosevelt mean by “fear itself?” What was the fear? How was it preventing Americans from getting out of the Great Depression?
In the speech, Roosevelt compares the New Deal to a military campaign. Why did he do this? Do you think this was effective?
Explain what Roosevelt says about traditional governmental power. What did he say about the use of broad Executive power?
Topic 2 – Explain the 1936 Republican Party Platform. Think about these questions as you write this paragraph:Describe any three complaints that the Republicans had about the New Deal.
What did they dislike about Roosevelt’s approach?
What did they fear with New Deal reforms?
Topic 3 – Compare the New Deal with the 1936 Republican Party Platform. Think about these questions as you write this paragraph:If you were a New Deal supporter, how would you respond to the allegations in the Republican Party Platform?
If you were a Republican voter in 1936, how would you respond to Roosevelt’s speech?

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