Have you ever thought you just weren’t enough? Whatever you do is never good eno

Have you ever thought you just weren’t enough? Whatever you do is never good enough and you’ll never be fully appreciated because what’s there to appreciate. I know I have just like Ricky, Jen Yu, and Casiopea have as well. Everyone goes through this struggle and it’s been consistent throughout the world going back centuries. Sometimes all you need is a challenge to show yourself that you are worth it, you’re capable of whatever you put your mind to. We see these traits in Hunt for the Wilderpeople by Taika Waititi, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon by Ang Lee, as well as Gods of Jade and Shadow written by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.
From the start of all three of these pieces you can tell the main characters don’t believe in themselves. No one was given a proper environment for them to flourish in what they enjoy doing. In Hunt for the Wilderpeople Ricky was shown driving through the mountains to be dropped off at his final foster family before he went to juvie. The system had given up on him therefore he was giving up on the system and anyone involved with it including himself. Paula, his child welfare worker, mentioned to Bella, “apparently he’s a bit of a handful, a real bad egg.” Then goes to tell Ricky no one wants him. Ricky has been told over and over no one wanted him and he got so fed up he ran away. He figured he wouldn’t have to deal with anything anymore. In Gods of Jade and Shadow Casiopea was having similar struggles as Ricky. She was forced to live in her grandfather’s house. Her grandfather Cirilo was a bitter man; he was constantly abusing his grandchildren as well as forcing them to clean up and do things for him. Casiopea had it the worst but was waiting for his passing when she would get all his money. She knew his actions were unacceptable from the beginning but couldn’t do anything, she held no power. It wasn’t quite the same in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Jen Yu had everything she could ever ask for except freedom and the ability to fight. Jen Yu was engaged to be married yet knew she was destined for more. When talking to Shen Yu she said I’ve read all about people like you. roaming wild, beating up anyone who gets in your way! You’re just like the characters in the stories… You know what I mean. I’m getting married soon, but I haven’t lived the life I want.” Jen Yu holds this secret passion for fighting yet is forced to live a simple noble life as a governor’s daughter and loving wife.
Moving onto our characters now starting to gain some confidence in their abilities but are still worried about their own capabilities. Ricky is becoming a mountain man and enjoying his time with Hec trekking through the bush. Jen Yu is secretly fighting Li Mu Bai while hiding the Green Destiny and keeping her secrets from Jade Fox, her mentor. Lastly, Casiopea is embarking on her journey to collect what’s needed with Hun-Kame. Starting with Ricky he has run away and began his journey of looking for a place to live now that Bella has passed. He goes on to ask Hec, “You know when the wildebeests migrate, they walk up to a thousand miles. Is that heaps? Yeah. Heaps. Just Like us. Walking, walking, trying to get somewhere. Looking for a better home.” Ricky doesn’t quite know where he’s going or know what he’s going to do after they get out of the bush. He just hopes it’s better than before and will be a final place for him to settle. Moving onto Jen Yu she has stolen the sword, Li Mu Bai is now fighting her to get it back and there’s a battle for revenge going on at the same time. Jen Yu is fighting and using skills far more advanced than her teacher. Li Mu Bai says, “Jade Fox can’t be your master. Where did you learn that ‘Xuan Piu’ move?” Yu replies, “I’m just playing around.” Although in the movie we don’t know this is Yu yet you can see the confidence shift in the ninja fighter as well as You when she’s just the governor’s daughter.

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