For your final assignment, look back at the Student Success Plan that you create

For your final assignment, look back at the Student Success Plan that you created in week one and monitored throughout the course. In a 2-3 page, plus appendix, APA-paper discuss the following:
1. What were the goals that you set for yourself? What was your plan for how to successfully meet these goals during this term?
2. In what areas were you able to follow this plan?
3. In what areas were you not able to follow it? What were the challenges?
4. Knowing what you know now, how would you revise this plan? Identify two things that you will revise in this plan before the next term starts.
5. Reflect on the areas of self-care, time management and professionalism. Discuss how each of these characteristics is critical to becoming an effective counselor. Why are they so important? Include supporting citations from the course textbook and at least one additional scholarly source (use peer-reviewed articles from the library).
As an appendix to your paper (this must be included with the paper, not as a separate document), submit the tracker (how much did you spend in class, studying, comparison of plan vs. actual time spent). Submit your completed version with the notes.

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