For this part of your Mid-term, you will be required to produce a summary and re

For this part of your Mid-term, you will be required to produce a summary and response essay of at least two full pages in MLA format utilizing one source found digitally on the Clark State library database. You will have the remainder of the class meeting (one hour and fifty minutes) to complete this essay. Whatever progress you have made will need to be submitted by the end of the class meeting time. If you are not able to complete the assignment in class, please complete the assignment by midnight this Friday. You will submit a copy of your essay and a copy of the article you used in PDF format. There is a prompt for this essay that you may view at the assignment portal on Blackboard. The total value of your exam is 100 points, 75 points for this paper and 25 points for the in class exam.

Here are the guidelines for the Summary and Response:

For your paper, you will follow the steps laid out in class to compose a summary and response essay about an academic article of your choice.

Briefly summarize the article you chose and create a response to the article that reflects on your own reaction to the text.

Final draft: All finals drafts should be submitted via the link at the bottom of this folder. Final drafts must be:
A minimum of 2-3 double-spaced pages of text
Formatted according to MLA style
Submitted as a Microsoft Word file (.docx or .doc)

Remember that all paraphrases need to be cited in MLA format. You should also be sure not to use any direct quotations in the paper including statistics.
Use this essay or something similar

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