For this assignment, you are to write a four-page APA-style research paper (page count does not include required Cover page or References page) in which you identify and discuss one major issue that has affected or is affecting the way individuals socialize in society. You are to perform research using books, journals or the Internet to gather your information.
You may choose from topics such as: prejudice; aggression; Attraction or Intimacy; or any issue discussed in the lecture.
It is recommended that you download and use the Word document “APA-style short paper template.doex” (provided below) as the basis for your paper. Simply replace the provided text with your own words, then do as Save As to change the file name to something that includes your last name, such as Psych233
Lastname doc Please note that this Assignment should be four pages long (plus the Cover and References pages), not three.
APA-style short paper template.docx
Include the following sections in your paper
Introduction (1 paragraph): State the issue and why you think it is important.
Context (1 paragraph minimum): How the issue came about; what societal/human elements might have contributed to it.
• Status quo (3 paragraph minimum): Discuss and varying agreements or disagreements regarding the issue, and any attempts that have been employed to address the issue.
• Discussion (1 paragraph minimum): Your personal reflection on how to address the issue.
Sources (minimum two) must be on a separate, final page named “References” and presented in APA style.
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