Each student must investigate a phenomenon related to the practice center where

Each student must investigate a phenomenon related to the practice center where they are located or topics related to field practice. The student must develop a careful research plan during a reflective, critical, and feasible process toward a goal. Your research proposal must include the following:
A. Introduction
– What do I want to study?
– Why is the topic important?
– What problems will it help solve? Importance of Field Education in Social Work
B. General and specific approach
What is the central problem of the research?
-Research questions and operational definitions.
What is the topic of study related to that problem?
-Objectives (Formulated in understandable and precise language, easy to identify; achievable)
C. Literature review and conceptual framework.
– Research articles from professional journals, trusted Internet sites, and books. (Published in the last five years).
D. Methodology
The methodology must include:
– Design, Population and Environment, Assessment strategies, and Ethical aspects
E. Reference (minimum 10)
Population-Teenagers City: Florida City, Florida
The presence of Oppositional Defiant Disorder as a diagnosis in adolescents in the city of Florida City, Florida, as a response to violence, lack of resources and social support

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