Each group member should plan to research the parts they are responsible for and

Each group member should plan to research the parts they are responsible for and bring them for discussion to the group. Based on the feedback and discussion of the plan for each section, each paper part (A, B, C, D below) is written by one group member. Individual paper parts should be subtitled and the name of the author should be included. Section 2 should be submitted in one document (ex. Part A History – Student A; Part B State Variation – Student B; etc.).
Four separate approaches to understanding policy choices.
This section of the paper will have a brief introduction of your topic and policy problem followed by sections listed below. Each section should be no longer than 2 pages excluding the reference pages and appendices.
If your team has less than 4 members, please address prop separately in team effort or add a paragraph in each section.
Part B: State variation
1) Describe current cross-state variation in policy and practice within your topical area.
2) Is there significant state variation within the US? The goal is to learn from variations of existing policies that can be applied to your specific issue (choose 3-4 states with different policies). Choose the states that are not similar to understand how the policy is implemented differently. The idea is to learn from best policy practices or learn from bad ones and not repeat them elsewhere.
Part D: PROP Issues
1) How have white supremacy and anti-black racism shaped the policy under consideration? Are there systematic issues that affect non-white populations differently?
2) How will the policy alternatives address the PROP issues in mental health policy?
Since there were only three people in our group, we gave part D to everyone. I am mainly responsible for partB and partD. Both partB and partD have two problems. When you write, you need to follow the questions mentioned in partB and partD. Most importantly, don’t write more than two pages! ! ! Our topic is Alternative approaches to language acquisition for persons who are nonnative English speakers. If you have any more questions or if I think of anything, let’s keep in touch!
Comments from Customer
Since there were only three people in our group, we gave part D to everyone. I am mainly responsible for partB and partD. Both partB and partD have two problems. When you write, you need to follow the questions mentioned in partB and partD. Most importantly, don’t write more than two pages! ! ! Our topic is Alternative approaches to language acquisition for persons who are nonnative English speakers. If you have any more questions or if I think of anything, let’s keep in touch!
This is the questions (partB and partD) you need to mention and follow to write in your paragraph. Part B: State variation 1) Describe current cross-state variation in policy and practice within your topical area. 2) Is there significant state variation within the US? The goal is to learn from variations of existing policies that can be applied to your specific issue (choose 3-4 states with different policies). Choose the states that are not similar to understand how the policy is implemented differently. The idea is to learn from best policy practices or learn from bad ones and not repeat them elsewhere. Part D: PROP Issues 1) How have white supremacy and anti-black racism shaped the policy under consideration? Are there systematic issues that affect non-white populations differently? 2) How will the policy alternatives address the PROP issues in mental health policy? Two part and Four questions.
Most importantly, be sure to keep it no longer than two pages! It should end up being four pages, one page for the title page, two pages for the main text, and one page for references! ! ! The main text topic should include the questions I sent you in partB and partD. Those questions are the instructions you use to write.

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