During Unit 1, you chose a story Oates, “Where are you going, Where have you bee

During Unit 1, you chose a story Oates, “Where are you going, Where have you been?”) and wrote a thesis statement and a first paragraph. Now, you have read further about the theme of a work of fiction. You are ready to write a short paper on your chosen story. Follow this process:
Step 1: Review
Re-read your first paragraph about your chosen work of short fiction, keeping the material from Ch. 6 on theme in mind. As you see, the “main idea” of the story is its theme, and this new information may lead you to revise your first paragraph.
Step 2: Draft
Write a brief typed, double-spaced 700- to 1,050-word paper on your chosen story, including:
Your revised first paragraph. Remember that your thesis statement tells the reader about the main idea of the story (its theme) and mentions an important literary technique (point of view, characterization, setting, or symbol) that contributed to your understanding of that theme.
Three or more middle paragraphs explaining the contribution of the literary technique to the story. Be specific. Use quotations and details from the story to demonstrate your point. It might be a good idea to choose a significant incident from the beginning of the story, one from the middle, and one from the end. Use no outside sources.
A final paragraph that restates your ideas and explains why the story matters to you.

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