During the first module of this course, you described your topic and started ini

During the first module of this course, you described your topic and started initial research on your project. Now, you will conduct the research and analyze it to determine your research themes.
Part 2: Reading and Annotated Bibliography
Step 1: Understand
After reading your 5 credible sources and completing Research Assignment Part 1, create an annotated bibliography for each source highlighting the main ideas of the source. In the summary, you should understand each article’s thesis and main points. For the credible website, you should paraphrase the thesis and main point if these are not directly stated on the website. Each reference should have at least two paragraphs with a 5-7 sentence structure, however, longer articles and in-depth websites may require more detail. The first paragraph should summarize the research. In the second paragraph, describe how the source will be helpful to your project. Do not use the abstract as the basis of your summary. Here is a link to the style guideLinks to an external site. for this part of the assignment.
You will turn in one Word document containing all 5 annotations.
Step 2 Reflect: Write a minimum of a 2-page (double-spaced) reflection about your research findings. You will need to synthesize your findings. To start your reflection, consider the following:
What connections are there between the sources?
What themes can you see within the sources?
What other information or details from your sources will be important to inform your project?
Step 3 Review Your Work: Review your sources, annotated bibliography, and reflection.
Step 4 Select Themes: Select at least 3 of the themes from your synthesized research that you want to convey to your target audience. These themes need to be directly related to your project. List these below.
Theme 1)
Theme 2)
Theme 3)
Optional Theme 4)
Optional Theme 5)
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Research Assignment Rubric (1)
Research Assignment Rubric (1)
Source Selection25 to >20 pts
Above Benchmark
Student selected at least 5 credible sources. These 5 sources represent 4 peer reviewed scholarly sources and 1 credible website. All sources were clearly related to the project topic and were formatted correctly in APA style.20 to >15 pts
Student did not select a minimum of 5 credible sources or student selected sources outside of the prescribed types. Sources were related to the project topic and were formatted correctly in APA style..15 to >0 pts
Student selected fewer than 5 sources or student selected sources which are not credible. The sources minimally relate to the project topic and were not formatted correctly in APA style..0 pts
Student selected fewer than 5 sources. Student selected unreliable or invalid sources. Sources selected do not relate to the project topic.15 / 25 pts
Source Summaries
25 to >20 pts
Above Benchmark
Student wrote individual annotations for each source and summarized the article outlining main points in two paragraphs.20 to >15 pts
Student wrote mostly thorough individual annotations for each source and summarized the article outlining main points in two paragraphs.15 to >0 pts
Student did not write thorough individual annotations for each source and did not summarize the article outlining main points in two paragraphs.0 pts
There were no submissions present for this part of the asisgnment.20 / 25 pts
25 to >20 pts
Above Benchmark
Student submitted a thoughtful and well-written reflection. The length of the reflection is at least 2 pages. The student answered the questions provided.20 to >15 pts
Student submitted an acceptable reflection. The length of the reflection is at least 2 pages. The student attempted to answer the questions provided.15 to >0 pts
Student submitted a reflection that is unorganized or difficult to understand. The reflection is less than 2 pages. The student made minimal effort to respond to the questions provided.0 pts
Student submitted a poorly written reflection. Minimal effort was put into this part of the assignment or it is missing completely.25 / 25 pts
25 to >20 pts
Above Benchmark
Student selected at least 3 themes from their research and data gathering for use in Part 2 of the assignment. The themes are clear and directly relate to the project topic.20 to >15 pts
Student selected 3 themes from their research and they are related to the project topic.15 to >0 pts
Student selected 2 themes from their research or the themes selected are not clearly related to the project topic.0 pts
Student selected 1 theme or did not complete this part of the assignment at all.25 / 25 pts
Total Points: 85
Project Research and Synthesis.docx

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