Cross-cultural Variation in Political Organizations – Over the last century, cou

Cross-cultural Variation in Political Organizations – Over the last century, countries have either imposed political systems on others or have developed governmental structures to deal with the larger world and the growth of their societies. To distinguish different kinds of political organization, anthropologists use a classification system that refers to these systems as bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states. How do bands, tribes, chiefdoms and states differ from one another? How is leadership determined in each of these political systems? Think about how these different systems evolved and which factors are most responsible for the changes in political organization. In an essay, define each of these political systems, bands, tribes, chiefdoms and states, and describe the political organization that is most common to each system. Identify the factors anthropologists strongly believe determine why changes in political organization occur. Communication and Language – With the globalization of the economy and increased cultural diversity in the workplace, understanding cross-cultural differences in verbal and nonverbal communication is imperative. Think about a real work experience or imagine a workplace scenario that illustrates how ways of verbal communication are similar or different among different cultures. That is, some languages have levels of formality or politeness to be used with people of higher rank; words or expressions used expressly by one gender; or situations in which the use of idioms or slang is acceptable. For example, think about how culture dictates how one might addresses a CEO versus one’s immediate boss. Consider further how spoken language might reflect issues of class, gender, and ethnicity. Write a narrative essay that recounts a personal school or workplace experience in which misunderstanding or confusion arose because of cultural and linguistic differences in verbal communication. As you tell your story, include enough details so that your reader understands the dynamics of the situation and specifically what caused the misunderstanding or confusion. Provide examples of how the speakers’ class, gender, or ethnicity—as reflected in their spoken language—contributed to the miscommunication. Reasons for Marriage – Marriage is customary in nearly every society known to anthropologists, with only one or two exceptions. When a cultural institution is as common as marriage but does not appear to be absolutely essential to human survival—that is, people can reproduce and have families without marriage—anthropologists ask why people get married. Think about different types of societies that you have learned about: foraging, tribal, agricultural, and industrial/postindustrial societies. What are the most important reasons for marrying within each of these societies? Do religion, society, economics, politics, and other factors play a role in the selection of marriage partners and whether marriages are arranged or not? Now imagine you have a son or daughter of marriageable age. Write an essay that compares and contrasts the views of marriage in the following types of societies: foraging, tribal, agricultural, and industrial/postindustrial. Explain the most important reasons for choosing whom you want your child to marry in each of the societies. Cite religious, social, economic, political, geographic, or other reasons you might have for arranging or guiding your child to accept your decision. Pros and Cons of Globalization – Anthropologists usually refer to globalization as the broad-scale changes and transformations that have resulted from the impact of industrialization and the emergence of an interconnected global economy, with the spread of capital, labor, and technology across national borders. Think about the opportunities and problems that globalization poses. For example, consider the pros and cons of how globalization has affected such areas as economics; international trade; cultural change; diffusion among peoples of different continents; employment; land distribution; class equality; health and nutrition; growth of social classes; and movement of ideas and lifestyles. Now think of examples that demonstrate the pros and cons of globalization in these areas. In a well-reasoned essay, evaluate the opportunities and problems that globalization poses. Discuss the pros and cons of how globalization specifically affects the areas of: economics, cultural change, health and nutrition, and politics. Provide relevant examples for each of these areas.

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