Context: Response papers are “mini” essays that require in-depth analysis of the

Response papers are “mini” essays that require in-depth analysis of the readings, literary elements, and genres
that we are studying.
• To complete this activity, first choose one of the assigned stories for the week the response is due as
your subject and then write your response using the following process explained below.
• All response papers must be typed in MLA format and saved and uploaded as an attachment.
• Each response paper must be at least 700 words and must include a works cited page (not included in
word count) that cites your text and any other sources that you consult
Paragraph One:
Write a very brief analytical summary of the story—basically, what happens and why? Be sure that you
keep this portion brief and also be sure to address why events happen and how they are connected, rather
than simply re-capping the story.
(Remember, I know what happens. I want to know what you think about it.)
Paragraphs Two and Three:
In each of these paragraphs you will choose one of the literary elements discussed in Week One and
explain how that literary element functions to reveal the theme of the story. Be sure that in these
paragraphs you use supporting evidence in the form of quotations from the story and also be sure these
quotes are followed by in-text citations.
(To clarify, you will write about TWO elements, one in paragraph two and one in paragraph three.)
Paragraph Four:
In this paragraph, first please discuss how you believe the story is affected by the time and place in
which the author lived. You may have to conduct research to do this or you may utilize resources from
our weekly “Extras” folders. Be sure you take the time to investigate when and where the author lived
and the conditions of life at that time and place.
Then you will conclude by discussing any questions you still have about the story and its themes or
meanings. This does NOT really mean things you didn’t understand (although that is ok to share—it
means, what did the story leave you pondering, what do you wonder about life after having read this
story) Having questions shows thoughtful consideration of the themes and topics addressed.

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