Choose one of the following articles: -Franco, J. H. M., Evangelista, C. B., Rod

Choose one of the following articles: -Franco, J. H. M., Evangelista, C. B., Rodrigues, M. de S. D., Cruz, R. A. de O., Franco, I. da S. M. F., & Freire, M. L. (2021). Music therapy in oncology: perceptions of children and adolescents in palliative care. Escola Anna Nery, 25(5). -Martí, G. C., Fernández, F. A., Fernández, S. C., Pérez, R. R., Esteban, B. A. A., Hernández, P. J. M., & Granero, M. J. (2023). Patients’ experiences and perceptions of dignity in end‐of‐life care in emergency departments: A qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 79(1), 269–280.

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