Choose a firm from YahooFinance or use the Bloomberg terminal. Find out the beta

Choose a firm from YahooFinance or use the Bloomberg terminal. Find out the beta of this firm stock and interpret your findings.
You will start doing the Stock Trading Competition project next month. Register an account with “How the Market Works” and discuss the most impressive function/thing you found on this website.
Attach the worked solutions in Excel spreadsheets : Assume you are considering a portfolio containing assets 1 and 2. Asset 1 will represent 55% of the dollar value of the portfolio, and asset 2 will account for the other 45%. The projected returns (forecasting returns) over the next six years, 2021–2026, for each of these assets are summarized in the following table. (on the page 207 of the textbook)
Projected return Projected return
Year Asset 1 Asset 2
2021 -8% 32%
2022 13% 6%
2023 25% -8%
2024 2% 19%
2025 -10% 34%
2026 32% -17%

(1)Use an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the projected portfolio return for each of the six years.
(2) Use an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the standard deviation of projected portfolio returns over the six-year period.

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