Briefly reflect on your general education capstone experience and address the fo

Briefly reflect on your general education capstone experience and address the following questions:
What are the key takeaways from this class that you will carry with you?
What did it take to bring your paper and presentation together, and how has that experience shaped your professional outlook?
What recommendations or advice would you provide for students who will take this capstone course in the future?
Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.
Your paper should be 1/2–1 page in length. Adhere to APA Style throughout.
Here Is all the assignments Ive had. Thank you
Discussion Board: Peer Review Boards100 (4 @ 25 points each)Weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7Please see the peer review rubric for grading information.
Discussion Boards200 (4 @ 25 points each) and Week 9 @100 pointsWeeks 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9See the discussion board rubric for grading criteria.
Weekly Written Assignments60 points (3 @ 20 points each)Weeks 2, 4, and 6These are short papers or worksheets to support weekly topics and assignments:
Week 2: Searching and Evaluating Scientific and/or Mathematical/Analytical Resources
Week 4: Searching and Evaluating Cultural and/or Ethical Resources
Week 6: Drafting the Abstract
Topic Proposal and Problem Statement70 pointsWeek 1Choose a research topic and generate a problem statement.
Library Review Exercises30 (2 @15 points each)Week 2These assignments assess your understanding of library research topics.
Perspectives of Inquiry Papers200 (2 @ 100 points each)Weeks 3 and 5These papers reflect the perspectives of inquiry covered: scientific, mathematical/analytical, cultural, and ethical.
Reflection Paper*40Week 10Reflect on your capstone experience.
Signature Assignment: Culminating Argument Paper150Week 7This cumulative paper is a reorganization of the perspectives of inquiry papers along with an abstract, an introduction, and a conclusion that proposes a solution to the research problem being studied.
Signature Assignment: The Oral Defense Video150Week 8Presentation

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