Below, you can find some starter threads focusing on the first sample proposal w

Below, you can find some starter threads focusing on the first sample proposal we’re discussing this unit, which focuses on developing a scheduling program for a conference room. Here is a link to the proposal, which is also found on our course content page.
First, read through the sample proposal carefully. After you’ve read through the proposal, respond to at least two of the threads begin below. Alternatively, feel free to begin your own thread if you identify something else you’d like to discuss.
As usual, this should be a back and forth discussion, so please read through all postings before making your own contributions, and respond accordingly.
Also, if you would prefer to start your own thread with a different topic feel free! That kind of contribution is highly encouraged.
the posts:
1. Alan Ackmann
What are some of the most successful ways that the proposal takes advantage of the genre level constraints and/or opportunities of proposals, like organization or language?
2. Alan Ackmann
What are some things the proposal might have potentially done more effectively, whether in terms of writing, persuasion, or meeting the needs of audience/context?
If you present a suggestion, elaborate on why.

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