Assignment Question(s): 1.Identify and describe the types of abilities that hist

Assignment Question(s):
1.Identify and describe the types of abilities that historically have been most relevant to Marine effectiveness. Which additional abilities appear to be important for Marines involved in cyber-security? (02 Marks) (Min words 150-200)
2.Why might it be difficult to find new recruits that possess the appropriate mix of abilities? What could the Marine Corps do to increase the size of the pool of applicants with these abilities? (02 Marks) (Min words 200-300)
3.How might the Marine Corps be able to use their existing workforce to deal with their need for cyber-personnel? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of such an initiative. (02 Marks) (Min words 200)
Discussion questions: – Please read Chapter’s 11,13 carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.
4.Think about a highly successful team with which you are familiar. What types of tasks, goals, and outcome interdependence does this team have? Describe how changes in task, goal, and outcome interdependence might have a negative impact on this team. (02 Marks) (Min words 200-300)
5.Who is the most influential leader you have come in contact with personally? What forms of power did they have, and which types of influence did they use to accomplish objectives? (02 Marks ) (Min words 200-300)
The Case study :::⬇️
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In 1775, during the Revolutionary War, two battalions of Marines were formed to support the U.S. Continental Navy for landing operations on shore. To help deal with increas-
ing conflict at sea and to protect expanding U.S. interests abroad, the Marine Corps was established as a permanent military force in 1798. Since then, the Marine Corps has been involved in every major U.S. naval operation and, in most instances, was among the first to see action. Today,
grueling of circumstances. You can probably envision how traversing uneven ground littered with obstacles requires flexibility and coordination. Finally, it’s easy to understand how shooting a firearm with accuracy requires good cor- rected vision and depth perception, quick reaction time, and the capability to keep one’s hands steady.
Of course, the axiom “every Marine is a rifleman” isn’t quite true anymore. Although Marines receive training in
the Marine Corps is organized into three active divisions, each with its own vessels, aircraft, tanks and artillery, which can deploy on short notice, anywhere on earth. The Marine Corps also provides security forces for naval bases, instal- lations, and diplomatic missions across the globe. There is also a fourth Marine division that provides trained combat and support personnel to augment the active divisions in times of war or during national emergencies.
When asked to think about the job of a U.S. Marine, and what type of abilities it takes to be successful, physical strength and stamina might come to mind first. Even if you’re not a U.S. history or military buff, you might have watched one of the many movies that depict Marines carrying heavy loads over long distances or engaged in combat in the most
the use of firearms and combat, there are many different occupational fields and jobs in the Marines Corps beyond those that directly involve physical warfare, and effective- ness in these jobs depends on a variety of other abilities. As an example, Marines involved in intelligence jobs may depend on their reasoning ability and the ability to make sense of information and patterns to draw conclusions. As another example, success in engineering jobs may require quantitative ability—specifically, the capability to select and apply appropriate formulas and methods to solve math- ematical problems. Finally, the effectiveness of Marines in police and corrections jobs may hinge on the ability to read other people’s emotions and to hold one’s emotions in check.

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