ask: Building upon the response section of your previous paper, while omittingany source material, write a literacy narrative in which you use at least fiveparagraphs to tell the reader a story about a time in your life when theimportance of literacy was made clear to you. This can be a reflection where yourealize the importance now, but didn’t know it then.You must use descriiptive details throughout your paper. You must set the stage inan introduction and have a thesis statement that allows the reader to see theplan ahead of them. You must have at least three body paragraphs with topicsentences that relate to the thesis and explain to the reader what the focus ofthe paragraphs will be. Your paper must contain at least one correctly formattedinstance of dialogue. You must have a conclusion where you summarize yourexperience and impart the wisdom you learned from the situation.A literacy narrative is a well-told story. It contains conflict and needs aresolution to help the reader want to continue reading. Details are what reallybring these stories to life. Memories contained within these stories evokesmells, sights, sounds, taste, and emotions. Dialogue helps the reader hear thewords from you or those involved.A literacy narrative is a text that imparts the significance of some element oflearning to read or write. You must make the lesson clear. The reader must knowwhy this story matters to you.Choose a topic such as-an important memory about reading/writing-someone who taught you to read/write-a book or other text that is important to your life-an event in your life that is related to reading/writing (book signing, poemreading, sharing a story aloud)-a writing or reading task that was challenging for you-the origins of your current attitudes about reading or writingadd dialouge
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