A written narrative includes several key elements, which are: Plot: The plot is

A written narrative includes several key elements, which are:
Plot: The plot is the thread of events that occurs in the narrative.
Characters: Characters are the people in the plot who appear and develop as the story progresses. The elements of the plot also impact the characters. 
Setting: The location, including the place and time in which the story took place, is the setting in a narrative.
Conflict: Conflict is the problem in the story. It often includes a moment of tension or a challenge that the characters try to overcome.
Theme: The overarching purpose or driving force behind the story, including its moral, intent and takeaways, is the theme.
Tone: Tone is a styling choice that determines how the reader experiences the situation that the plot describes.
Point of view: The point of view allows the narrator in the story to describe what’s happening in the plot. The narrator can be a character, and the point of view can shift between multiple characters, or the author may use an omniscient narrator who explains the thoughts and feelings of the character while being unknown to the reader.
Timeline: The timeline dictates the sequence of events in the plot. A writer can choose to alter the timeline of certain events or describe the events out of the sequence in which they happened.
*** I attached a photo of my quilt presentation.

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