Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for p

Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page
This work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks.
Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
Please answer using following points: How did you overcome
Confront the customers and improve the social media performance. Figure out the problem and trying to settle with unbiased solution .
What are the difficulties..
Working on some financial claims and defaults by communicate with customers to settle their accounts and request them to make the payment to close the outstanding invoices .Preparing forms and calculating the cost of project and figuring out the amount which customer should pay to settle his account.
How many meetings .One meeting with cudo management in order to find customers needs and evaluate the project and its requirements for pricing the products and proceed .One meeting with I’m hungry in their local location and oversight the customer’s needs then discuss the main points with my manager to prepare the offer and send it to their company , also, in the same meeting with my manager we discussed the upcoming tasks and he asked about my difficulties and other tasks and ask me to meet some departments within this week.
What skills did youResearch and development skills of the marketing and sales approaches. Evaluation the project progress. Decision making and time management and solving problems , Effective communication. Leadership and multitask skills .
What are the activities Meeting with I am hungry company in order to feasibility study and proceed the specific project Monitoring the staff reports and supervising in order to achieve the target of sales and marketing. One task assigned to being representative in real estate exhibition (city skip)
Tracing and working with marketing staff for one showroom related to company and discussed the potential marketing campaign which are appropriated to increase sales volume

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