you will need to do a few things in your presentation, specifically: – state wha

you will need to do a few things in your presentation, specifically: – state what you understand the author to be communicating in what he has written ,and then – explain your perspective and insights on that communication for the rest of your video presentation. This part is the main focus of your assignment. By “your perspective and insights” is meant what you, having read the material, can say about how you make sense of what has been written. How does what you have read and understood affect you, or move you, or trouble you, or make you sympathetic, or empathetic, or at odds with the author? Every reading listed here has content that is important from the perspective of social change, or individual change, or both. What has the reading created in your understanding. How has it affected how you think about the author? How has it affected your thoughts about the era in which it was written? How has it affected your outlook on your own life, and perhaps also the life circumstances and time in which we are all living? I will do the video presentation about 4 minutes based on what you write about those questions above so it should be around 800 words and include the outline I will add bonus at the end so please write by your heart and you will get what you deserve Thanks

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