You will form a claim around a chosen social issue within the CQ Researcher data

You will form a claim
around a chosen social issue within the CQ Researcher database. The chosen topic must be from
a report compiled within CQ over the last two years. Once a topic is chosen, you will formulate a
claim (thesis) around the topic, arguing your stance/views. Chief to the importance of this claim
is the sources that you will use around it. As an academic researcher, you will be using evidence
from FOUR sources which your audience should find credible. These may be found within the
databases to which our Library subscribes, reputable news magazines online or in print, from
relevant books, from a personal interview of a qualified figure, or from an official government or
school web site or credible web sources. At least one of these sources should advocate for the
opposing side of your claim.
No fewer than four (4) pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font (you may
need to adjust your default settings in Word).
 At least four (4) credible outside sources, one of which should be from the opposing side.
 An MLA-style Works Cited page and MLA-style parenthetical citations.
 Proper use of the ICE method for all ideas that are not your own.
 A thesis that clearly and skillfully articulates your position on the issue.
 A catchy introduction and thought-provoking conclusion, as well as an interesting and
relevant title

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