You have selected a topic and developed a problem statement. As a scholar-practi

You have selected a topic and developed a problem statement. As a scholar-practitioner, you know that your work needs to be evidence-based. Over the next 3 weeks you will find, review, and critically analyze the empirical evidence related to your Capstone problem. Doing this will support the scientific soundness of your Capstone Project. This week, you will search for specific academic resources, primarily peer-reviewed journal articles about your Capstone problem. It is important to use mainly current articles, those from the past 5 years. A general standard is that 80 percent of your references should be current. Older sources can help to provide a historical perspective of the problem.
For this week, using your critical thinking skills, you will analyze one of the peer-reviewed articles that you found. You will also research and collect 12-14 resources that you will use for the rest of the Capstone Project assignments.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
Apply research skills to identify scholarly articles relevant to research problem statements
Critically evaluate a scholarly article relevant to the research problem statement
Problem Statement
The problem statement is a specific description about the nature of a problem; it also provides the rationale for why a particular problem was chosen. A well-constructed problem statement will narrowly define the topic so that research can stay focused on the defined problem and not stray to related tangents. The problem statement will anchor the rest of your work on the Capstone Project. For this Assignment, you will examine your research problem and write a statement describing the problem you selected.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
To prepare:
Review the Learning Resources.
Narrow the topic to a specific problem that can be researched in the scholarly literature.
Search the Walden University Library and/or the Internet for at least 2 peer-reviewed sources to support your topic selection and problem.
Assignment (1–2 pages, not including title page and reference page)
Write a problem statement for the topic you have selected for your Capstone Project.
The problem statement must be supported by information cited from at least 2 peer-reviewed resources.
By Day 7
Submit your Assignment by Day 7.
submission information
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.
To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK3Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial
Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.
Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.
Learning Resources
Required Reading
Literature Review Matrix Template
Required Media
Walden University Library (Producer). (2019, November 30). Determining reliability and credibility: Evaluating the author and publisher [Interactive media]. Retrieved from
Walden University Library (Producer). (2019, September 16). How to read a scholarly article. Retrieved from
Note: Approximate length of this media program is 4 minutes.
Walden University Library (2019, November 30). What makes a resource scholarly? [Interactive media]. Baltimore: Author. Retrieved from
Looking Ahead
In Week 5, you will start Module 3, where you will begin the synthesis of your resources into a literature review. This process will take 2 weeks to complete. Other components of Module 3 include identifying the causes and effects of the problem during Week 7, and then the final section of the project: recommended solutions to the problem that will be explored in Weeks 8 and 9. Please take the time to review the requirements for these assignments.
Looking Ahead
In Week 5, you will start Module 3, where you will begin the synthesis of your resources into a literature review. This process will take 2 weeks to complete. Other components of Module 3 include identifying the causes and effects of the problem during Week 7, and then the final section of the project: recommended solutions to the problem that will be explored in Weeks 8 and 9. Please take the time to review the requirements for these assignments
Week in Review
This week, you used your critical thinking skills to analyze a peer-reviewed article. You also researched and collected 12–14 resources that you will use for the rest of the Capstone Project assignments.
Next week, you will begin to examine your resources and synthesize this information into the literature review narrative

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